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Happiness comes in bursts of colors that sometimes seems fleeting.  Yet, the beautiful thing is that most studies and research about happiness show that it’s not dependent on circumstances.  Missing that cute date for Christmas? You can still be happy. Waiting on that adorable dog that isn’t yours yet? You can still be happy.  Not having a plane ticket in your hand? You can still be happy.  I love that. I love that in an odd sense I have a bit of control. (Yes, I have control issues…) I get to choose. I can choose where I put my focus. I can choose what thoughts I accept and what thoughts I fight like crazy with truth.  I do have choices amidst the circumstances.  Sometimes the simplest things can turn the day around.  Yet, I must be willing to take those steps to either pursue those things or see them.  Not always easy. In fact, sometimes it’s down right hard, frustrating, and I’d rather sulk.  Sometimes I do need to let myself grieve what’s not and then get up off the floor and say okay God, let’s go at this one more time.

Plus, it never hurts to have an action plan:

Instead of throwing a fit, I can _____.

1. Go run.

2. Eat something delicious while watching a movie, reading blogs or listening to a podcast.

3. Drive.

4. Write.

What’s one thing that you do that makes you smile? 

What’s on your action plan?

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