word filled wednesday

Months ago, I read about a challenge to read through one of the gospels ten times in a row.  Loving a good challenge and a distinct, clear goal, I accepted!  I’ve been reading through John.  over and over.  I’m on my 7th time reading it through (I think…I lost count until I started a tally in my bible).  God continues to show me new things every step of the way.  Especially about how Jesus approaches life and lives.

“Now my soul has become troubled; and what shall I say, “Father, save Me from this hour?” But for this purpose I came to this hour.”

John 12:27

I often find myself wanting a way out of circumstances.  I try to take the way around the lake rather than diving in and swimming through the waves.  I see potential trouble brewing on the horizon and I devise plans to keep it at bay. Classic avoidance. And then I see the verse above and realize that I don’t have to steer clear.  Oh, no! I can stand in the wake of the storm firm on my foundation and not be shaken.  All for what purpose….?

“To glorify His name.”

4 thoughts on “word filled wednesday

  1. Awesome! God recently challenged me to read my Bible from straight through within 60 days. I’ve been doing a lot of reading the past few days and I feel like I’m going to learn a lot by the time I finish.

    • nice! that will be great and I’m sure you’ll pull a lot from it 🙂 looking forward to hear what you think at the end!

  2. Pingback: the disciple jesus loved « B'ahava

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