
I finally got around to trying out Polenta!! I spied it at the grocery store a while ago and was intrigued by it since it was “new.”


Vodka sauce with mozzarella cheese mixed in…yes please!  I also added some yellow and orange peppers that I needed to use up!



I had wanted to do a baked polenta but couldn’t find the recipe at the last minute so I ended up going with this recipe since it looked pretty and was quicker than the rest of the recipes I saw!  These were my testers (hence the different sizes and shapes).

Totally fun putting these babies together with even more mozzarella cheese, ricotta cheese, and lots of sauce! photoAnd since the first ones were kind of impractical to eat, here was presentation #2.  Both tasted the same 🙂

So my verdict on trying polenta….too grainy of a texture for me but the cheese and sauce were yummy.

My husband’s verdict….he liked it!

I’d be somewhat interested in trying a different recipe, but skeptical that I would like it since I’m pretty sure the grainy texture isn’t going to go away.  Fun to try once though!

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